Schools Near Me – Frequently Asked Questions
What is Schools Near Me?
Schools Near Me is National School Choice Week’s web-based search tool that allows parents to search for public, charter, magnet, and private schools based on their location and preferences. This tool is designed to augment the snapshots, roadmaps, and other information we provide about school choice options in your state. We provide detailed information about other school choice options, including online schooling and homeschooling, in separate sections of our website. To identify online schools in your state, please visit our Ultimate Guide to Online School. To learn more about your state’s homeschooling laws, please visit our Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling.
How does Schools Near Me get information about schools?
National School Choice Week has licensed the use of data from Public School Review and Private School Review. We upload school data updates every three months.
Does Schools Near Me provide information about every school in my area, or just schools that participate in National School Choice Week?
Our goal is to provide information on every school in the U.S. that serves students in grades K–12, regardless of whether the schools participate in National School Choice Week. While there is the possibility that a school might be missing from our list due to data updates, the Schools Near Me dataset is the largest and most comprehensive searchable database of schools available online.
Is there a cost to families to search Schools Near Me, or to schools for updating their listings?
No, use of Schools Near Me is completely free. School data is licensed from a data provider at the sole expense of National School Choice Week. We do not offer or solicit any fee-based data. Schools interested in updating their information should contact our data licensor at Public School Review or Private School Review.
Does Schools Near Me recommend schools, or list them in preferential order?
No. Our goal is to provide accurate, detailed, and comprehensive information to parents about K–12 schools near you. Search results are listed by mileage radius and alphabetically. Neither Schools Near Me nor National School Choice Week recommend specific schools or dissuade parents from considering specific schools.
How does Schools Near Me use my email address and search history?
Using the Schools Near Me tool, you can request that a list of schools be emailed to you. We will fulfill that request. You may also receive other emails from us, which you can opt out of. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise license our email list or your search history to any third parties or partners.
How can I update a school listing?
If you notice that information about a specific school needs to be updated, please update the information with our data licensee, Public School Review or Private School Review. Schools interested in updating their information should contact our data licensor at Public School Review or Private School Review. The changes to the listing will be updated when we upload our next dataset. This upload takes place every three months.
Our school is listed on Schools Near Me. Does that mean we will receive free materials for National School Choice Week?
No, schools must still register to participate in National School Choice Week and to receive their free activity packets. Reserve your free supplies now online on our school signup page.